Author: Christian Hagen

Whether you are writing a written assignment, your Bachelor’s thesis or your Master's thesis, academic writing is a core skill for studying successfully. We would like to invite you to take part in our writing forum on November 22, 2024: Come along and join in workshops on academic writing with lo...

Category: Schreibwerkstatt, Writing Centre

General information The placement tests are so-called C-tests and are carried out in a language laboratory of the Language Centre. The test lasts 40 minutes. Afterwards you will be informed about the result. The result is valid for one year and can therefore still be used in the following semest...

Category: Abteilung DaF

In the week before examinations start (January 29 to February 2), students can meet at the Self-Access Language Learning Centre to talk with others who are studying the same language, and work together to prepare for their language examinations. Lecturers and native language tutors will be on hand to help with any specific questions you may have.

Category: Abteilung Medien, Allgemein

In the English version of campo, please go to Course catalog,select Winter semester 2022/23 from the drop-down menu. NB. Make sure that you re-select Winter semester 2022/23 after a period of Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Theology by clicking on the blue arrow to t...

Category: Abteilung EngPhil

We are pleased to invite you to our writing forum on September 8, 2022, this year in a hybrid format with a mixture of online sessions via Zoom and in-person sessions in Bismarckstraße 10 Do you have deadlines looming for written assignments or project reports? Would you like to find out more in...

Category: Allgemein, Writing Centre, Writing Forum