These are the German courses offered during the summer and winter semesters for all students regularly enrolled at the University. Other members of FAU can also take the courses, for example doctoral candidates, guest researchers, employees, those doing a placement or guest students.
This is a German course offered by the Association to promote internationalisation at FAU (Förderverein zur Internationalisierung der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg e.V.) in close cooperation with the German Department at the Language Centre. These courses are open to all students and other members of FAU, except for guest students.
These German courses are offered to prospective students to give them the language skills they need to pass the Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang ausländischer StudienbewerberInnen (DSH) and prepare them for studying in German. You must apply to the Admissions Office of FAU if you would like to register for one of these courses.
TestDaF preparatory courses are offered directly before the dates scheduled for the TestDaF examinations at the FAU TestDaF examination centre. During the course, the TestDaF format is explained and students have the opportunity to practise all parts of the TestDaF examination, completing, discussing and correcting specific examples.