Author: Christian Hagen

On Wednesday May 18, 2022, the first session of the language café this semester was held in the courtyard at Bismarkstraße 1a. Language cafés offer students the opportunity to chat to other students in the foreign language, play (language) games and meet new people, all accompanied by a native language tutor.

Category: Abteilung Medien, Allgemein

The Virtuelle Hochschule Bayern (Virtual University of Bavaria) offers instructor-led online courses for all FAU students, for which ECTS credits can also be earned. For German as a foreign language, there are some courses that are helpful if you want to get to grips with writing or reading academic...

Category: Writing Centre

Would you like to gain expertise in coaching others writing in English? If this sounds appealing, you may consider taking the course Writing Tutoring: Theory and Practice. In addition to riveting readings and lively discussions on topics related to tutoring and writing pedagogy, we will learn to ...

Category: Writing Centre

The Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts decided on 11 March 2020 to cancel all courses and lectures with immediate effect and until further notice. The cancellation applies to all courses that are taught face-to-face, irrespective of the number of participants.

Category: Veranstaltungen

During the ceremony for the 50th anniversary of the Language Centre, Vice President Education Prof. Dr. Bärbel Kopp presented the FAU Distinguished Service Medal to Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Gerhard Koller on behalf of the Executive Board. This award recognises the achievements of Prof. Dr. Koller over the many years he was head of the Language Centre.

Category: Allgemein

Now that the new semester has started, the native-language tutoring at the Self-Access Language Learning Centre has started up again as well. At the moment, we can offer tutoring in English, Spanish and German. You can find further information and register via the website.

Category: Abteilung Medien